what’s something that feels sacred, but isn’t?

16 comments on what’s something that feels sacred, but isn’t?

buy a tea for ra

The long smooth slice down the body of the pomegranate, and how I always do five of these in even measure. How the pom breaks open in my palms and the jewels clank into the bowl. How the arils burst stain onto my fingers. The slow, steady work of this.

The way a fruit like this, so built for holding, simply falls to our feet when it is ready for us.

Pressing a stamp down onto to a postcard. The tiny scribings we make with our hands and our tools. and how we send them to each other across the land on a small rectangle. How we receive this.

How tea blooms, yielding all of itself to the water. The pouring. The stirring. The serving. The serving, especially when we mime our loved ones to show that we have observed their rituals in this. The serving, especially when we have prepared it for ourselves.

When a pen runs out of ink and I hold it, aware that it can no longer serve its purpose, but conflicted, and mournful. How I think of everything it helped me build, and how small my world would be without tools like this.

This meme-format is going around Twitter (“What’s something that feels _____ but isn’t.”), and as I was preparing pomegranate, it popped in my head with the word sacred as the fill-in-the-blank. I know in some cultures, under certain scenarios, a couple of these things actually are sacred, and I know that there is a very good argument that all things are sacred. But I tried to focus on things that felt heavy with it, to me.

Upside-down Pepper over the words "NanoPoblano2020 - CheerPeppers.com"

16 responses to “what’s something that feels sacred, but isn’t?”

  1. DiAnne Ebejer Avatar

    This was very soothing and relaxing somehow. ☺ Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rarasaur Avatar

      Thank you for reading, Di. If you were just a few thousand miles closer, I’d pour you some tea. 😀


      1. DiAnne Ebejer Avatar

        That would be a dream come true! 😆

        Liked by 1 person

  2. what’s something that feels sacred, but isn’t? – Tonya LaLonde Avatar

    […] what’s something that feels sacred, but isn’t? […]


  3. Leanne Avatar

    How you strung those words together are beautiful ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rarasaur Avatar

      I appreciate that, Leanne, thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Aaysid Avatar

    Such extraordinary and surreal descriptions of seemingly ordinary things! Awesome! ❤️️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rarasaur Avatar

      🙂 Thank you!


  5. dinah Avatar

    Three days ago I started a post about sacred and never finished it. I like sharing this wavelength with you ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rarasaur Avatar

      Aw yay, I look forward to reading it when it manifests. I love sharing this wavelength with you, too. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. AR Neal Avatar

    This …
    It is said that everything is sacred. It is also said that sacred is what we make it, when we give reverence to a thing. That’s not the same as worship of course, but there is a level of respect in recognizing the gifts all round us, even in the mundane.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rarasaur Avatar

      Reverence, yes. I give reverence to these things and always seem to notice. Thanks for these insights, AR.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Psychobabble Avatar

    I LOVE prompts like this that make you think about something differently. Intriguing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rarasaur Avatar

      Me too! They just sit in my head and cause all kinds of beautiful chaos. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  8. holley4734 Avatar

    Beautiful words. As usual. Sending you all the love. As usual. the oreos that I hide from my children are a little bit sacred 😉


  9. autistic, like heart – rarasaur Avatar

    […] in the metaphors I mix, and the quilts of life I’ve made from chaos. Autistic, like sacred, like ritual building, like naming my milestones and falls. I always stop to light my blessings. I need small things, […]

